Monday, July 27, 2009


My surgery will be Wednesday (7-29) morning. The surgeons have decided that it is best to fix the heart defect, so I will be having the tumor removed and having the heart defect fixed at the same time. I should be in the hospital for about 6 days. I am nervous but ready to get this behind me.
July 27- A man must have designed the bras I bought because they are so uncomfortable. I cut the under wire out and now they are much better.

July 26- my new hat

July 25-At Benno's in Galveston. The birds were very aggressive and trying to steal food.

July 24- I finally got my permanent cap, the last part of the root canal.

July 23- Detailed instructions for my neighbor who will be taking care of the animals when we are gone.

July 22- I think I like children's hospitals better than adult hospitals. This is the welcome sign, it's so colorful and cheery.

July 21- I was in a program called chemo angels during my first round of chemo in 2003. I graduated from the program but stayed in touch with my angel and we became great friends. This is my card asking me to be her maid of honor in December. I of course said yes and am so excited! I finally get to go to Kentucky!!

July 20- My new favorite drink, iced vanilla rooibos tea latte from Starbucks. They will swear they can't make it iced, but just tell them to pour the hot one over ice, very simple.

July 19- I love this hat, it's so soft.

July 18- I had to carry these around for 2 days. I kept having nosebleeds because my platelets were low.

July 17- My eyelashes are growing back, I get to wear mascara again!!!!

July 16- Happy Birthday Kim! We stayed at the St. Regis. This is my beautiful bed, so comfy.

July 15-(i can't get this photo to flip) my parents have been buying so many watermelons, they can't find a sweet one.

July 14- Rain, rain go away...

July 13- I don't even know what number blood transfusion this is. This was a bad day, I can't remember a day that I have felt so terrible.

July 12- I love okra, but I HATE the ends of the okra. I don't know why. My mom picks them out before she cooks the okra.

July 11- I can't believe this plant is still alive because I always forget to water it. Someone gave it to me when I first got sick 6 years ago. It used to be so tiny, it's really grown.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Don't stop 'til you get enough

I have just finished my 9th round of chemo and I feel like I have just finished my 9th round of chemo.
The heart cath was a lot easier than I thought, it went pretty smoothly. I am still waiting to see if I will need to have my heart fixed. The heart cath showed that while my heart in anatomically different, it works quite well. Thank you for all the well wishes concerning this procedure.
I will see the cardio thoracic surgeon this week, so hopefully (cross your fingers) I will get a surgery date this week.
July 10- Dad's pineapple plant has a baby pineapple growing.
July 9- He loves the sun. He runs right out to the grass, flips over and sunbathes.

July 8- Just finished changing the dressing. I look forward to the day that this is removed.

July 7-A mushroom growing in the backyard. I joked with my mom that I was going to pick it and eat it because this is something that I tried to do when I was little.

July 6-My chemo bag. I have so much stuff in this bag that I DO NOT use but I'm scared if I leave home without it I'll want it.

July 5- Everett brought me some macarons from Dallas.

July 4- This is NOT how I planned to spend my holiday (all day in the hospital) but it turned out to be a good day. I'm with my friend Everett who came to visit from Dallas.

July 3- 1st day of my 9th round of chemo.

July 2-I love these things. They make my tummy so happy.

July 1- A few hours before my heart cath. I was very nervous, the doctor was kind and ordered a Valium for me to relax.

June 30- Sen. McCain toured the part of MDA that I happened to be at. He was there for some kind of health conference.

June 29-One of the stacks of clothes mom folded for me and left on my bed. I love this kind of stuff but I can't get used to it, because when I'm better, I'm out.

June 28 *throwback pic* from Christmas '08. Toby aka Merlin looking divine in the jacket Auntie Camille bought him

June 27-On the way to a friends wedding. Oh and please note the new fabulessness sitting upon my head.

June 26-My new bracelet.

June 25- R.I.P. MJ. I watched CNN all evening.