Is it just me, or is anyone else happy that the holidays are almost over. I am not a scrouge or a grinch but I just seem to get so much more enjoyment out of the more typical, mundane times of year. There just seems to be so much pressure for the perfect holiday. I guess I don't like having all of my time, money and energy sucked out of me for 2 or 3 days. I like to spread it out over the whole year.
I have been feeling well and continuing to get my eneregy back. I am happy to announce that I have secured a job and will hopefully be returning to work on January the 4th. It is a cancer treatment center. Gasp! The type of place I swore I would never work. Lesson learned, never say never. My heart was softened last month and I had a strong feeling that this was where I needed to be. I hope that I am able to be a light and a source of encouragement to my patients. Not by telling them what I went through or that I even had cancer. But just by being empathetic, sympathetic, and dropping some hints on how to get through the process a little easier if I can. I am a FIRM believer that when I am a nurse, I am a nurse and when I am a patient I am a patient. I try as hard as I can to not let the two mix. I wouldn't want my nurse breaking down when I get bad news. I can get the warm fuzzies from else where. I need my medical team to be strong, alert and focused. I feel that my patients deserve the same. Not to say I would never share my story but I think it would be far and few in between.
The best part about this new job is hopefully I will be able to move out of my parents house soon. I love them, but I'm almost 27, and it's time to go.
I am so happy Project 365 will be done is a few days. I'm thinking this year I will do a few pictures a month. It's not as hard to do as it was a few months ago but I definitely need a break from the daily pictures. I am however, so thankful that I discovered this. I have one of the hardest/best years of my life documented. This project forced me to think about the "everyday". I have memories and stories captured that I will be able to look back on for years to come.
Dec 26- My Christmas presents. I love them all but I am especially excited about my Best Buy giftcard (for a computer) and a new lomography camera (supersampler) from sister.
Dec 25- Ohhh Christmas Tree.
Dec 24- Allison had a New Year's Eve fish fry. Her guests had a great time and made the reindeer do bad things.
Dec 23- Will and I at Pappa's.
Dec 21- Kim gets the award for coming to visit me the most!
Dec 20- Dog sitting Darla. I had to get a picture of them being nice to each other, this was a rare occurence with the not niceness coming from my child.
Dec 19- I really enjoyed going to Kentucky to be Randi's maid of honor and finally getting to meet her wonderful family. We met almost 7 years ago through a program called chemo angels. We have come from pen pals to dear friends. I'm so fortunate to have her in my life.
Dec 18- Another pic from the tea. The food was amazing.
Dec 17- In Kentucky with Randi at my first high tea. The hats were provided by the tea place.
Dec 16- On the way to the airport. I'm not sure how this happened but this light was swinging from the post into the street. Had to take a pic.
Dec 15- Sister is home for the holidays.
Dec 14- I am a little preoccupied with my hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Can you blame me? I missed them.
Dec 13- Anything and everything chocolate. I am not a big chocolate fan but I do like small amounts every now and then.
Dec 12-House of Pies has a place in my heart forever.