Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm the coolest cancer patient you know...

Long Day. I started chemo and I will get it for the rest of the week. Including Thanksgiving. I can't believe I actually complained that I had to work a 12 hour shift on Thanksgiving. What I would give to be able to work on Thanksgiving now.....
I will have chemo as an outpatient. 3 hour infusion of one type of chemo, then I get to take this little fashionista everywhere with me.
It contains the second chemo and a medication to protect my kidneys. I will go back everyday this week and repeat the same thing: 3 hour infusion, fill up my new accessory. I even have a phone number for people to call to verify the contents of my bag. Just in case someone thinks I'm stealing, or that it's a bomb (i know, but it must have happened before because they gave me the number for this reason) they can either not be stupid and just look in the backpack or they can feel my wrath and maybe get the number. I feel pretty good. I got a lot of nausea medication, so im sure i'll be good for tonight.
Today I'm thankful for: wonderful parents who can take off work to be with me (i am blessed that this can happen), dad's pep talks, my sister and her hilarious squirrel story

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