Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's snowing!!

As I was sitting on my computer surfing the net I heard my parents start to yell that I needed to get outside now. Both of them. At the same time. I thought the house was on fire. I jumped up, saw them standing at the back door and realize it was snowing. It was actually quite a lot (for Texas). We went outside, acted like we had never seen snow along with the whole street, and took some pictures.
the backyard
Mom and Dad

Mom and I

This is the yumminess that I received when my mom got back from visiting my Grandma (her mother) in Georgia. A homemade pound cake from Grandma. She made it just for me and wouldn't let anyone taste it and instructed my mom to get it to me safely. It arrived in perfect condition and taste just as good as it looks. Thank you Grandma!

I will start my second round of chemo on Friday. After some scheduling drama, the nurse and I finally decided that Friday would be the day. Long story short I wanted to start my second round a little early so that I would have enough time between chemo and Christmas to feel good for the Holiday and to hopefully (fingers crossed) have my counts (white blood cells mainly and other lab work) high enough to still go on a trip that was planned before I relapsed.

Today I am thankful all of the energy I've had and for getting so much more comfortable with not having hair. I feel almost like myself again.

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