Happy New Year! I'm not really into resolutions this year. I just plan to continue the goals I have now
eat more fruits/veggies, less meat
exercise 3-4 times a week
drink enough water each day
That's it. Nice and simple.
I just read what I wrote and my picture of the day from a year ago on Dec 31, 2008. Crazy. What a difference a year can make. I went to work today for the first time in 12 months. I'm sure at the end of the work week I won't be nearly as excited, but right now the thought makes my heart skip. I went to work today...Right now, in this moment, it really can't get any better than that.
Dec 31-I leased an apartment! I was not planning on signing anything that day but I just got this great feeling in my tummy. I knew it was the right apartment for me. I will be moving in a month.

Dec 30- I have had the same exact checking account since I was 16. I loved my account number, it just flowed. So I was of course very sad when I had to get a new account number. It's all my fault, I did something VERY silly 2 years ago....learned my lesson.

Dec 29- Finally emptied my hospital bag. I kept slippers, a toothbrush, books, hand wipes, etc. in the bag. It took me a while, but that's
ok. I guess I needed to make sure I wouldn't need it anymore.

Dec 28-
Fat back is so delicious. I have absolutely NO business eating it but when I am at this
restaurant by my Grandma's house, I can never seem to stop myself.

Dec 27- This is the
lightest I have ever packed for a trip. I went to see Grandma in Georgia. My trip had to be cut short because of
pre-employment things at work. I was only there for 36 hours.
1 comment:
You are one strong, courageous lady. So glad you are doing well and congrats on going back to work! Bless you!
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