I conquered round 7 of chemo!!! No really, it actually kind of kicked my butt. But at least there were no emo meltdowns last week. It was just kind of a foggy haze that seemed to happen. Glad it's over.
I must be the luckiest girl in the world- I need a root canal. I've needed it for 2 weeks. Tried to get it and the dentist was not able to get me numb, and as you can imagine, I was not able to sit there and let him drill my tooth. Couldn't get it last week because chemo+someones hand in my mouth=i will probably throw up all over your nice white jacket. So, it is scheduled for next week on Wednesday with a special dentist called an endodontist. I will be given some happy gas to help sit still. If I had a choice between a root canal and an extra day of chemo, I would take the extra chemo. That should let you know how much I'm dreading next Wednesday. Think of me.
Other than that, I am locked in the house. I usually don't go out much the week after chemo because my counts are low, but this week I have to be extremely careful because of the swine flu. I think it's hyped up by the news but better safe than sorry.

4-21-09 Lime slushies from Sonic make my life good.