I'm finally caught up. I've still been taking a picture each day, I've just gotten bad about posting them.

4-13-09 I had a little extra energy today so I decided to cook dinner. Tofu stir fry. This was my mom's first time eating tofu and she liked it.
4-12-09 Happy Easter! My lovely Easter basket from friends at church.

4-11-09 I just
discovered Redbox. I've seen it before, but for some reason
didn't believe the movies were just $1.

4-10-09 My Easter gifts from Kevin: flowers,
cosmo mag, stuff to make CUPCAKES, dried mango (just like candy), gummy bears and
twizzlers*I missed 4-2 and 4-3 because I didn't feel well. I decided to use pictures from this day that remind me of good times. Enjoy.

4-2-09 *oldie* This is a picture from last St. Patty's Day. I went to Savannah, Georgia to see my cousin. They have one of the biggest St. Patty Day parades in the country. This was one of the best trips I've ever had.
4-3-09 My Grandma Inez is 89 years old. I always joke and say she is in better health than I am, but really she is. I love to visit her (Georgia). There is this great country buffet in town, that serves fried
fat back. Can't believe I eat the stuff (only once a year when I see her), but it is
soooo good.

Yay! The snow cone shack is open.

4-8-09 Getting blood drawn from my
CVC line. It so itchy and I have to wrap in
plastic wrap to shower but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's very convenient since I am now going to the lab everyday.

4-7-09 Posing in the dressing room before my CT scan. Note the stylish hospital pants.

4-6-09 It's almost too much. His cuteness
overwhelms me.

4-5-09 A very nice man from church takes me to chemo. He's big on juicing and gave me his very nice, almost new Jack
Lalanne juicer

4-4-09 Mom and I in my room after my meltdown in the waiting room. She was amazed I could take the picture myself. I can't believe she's never seen anyone do this.

4-1-09 Fun with my 1990's juicer.

91/365 Just like going out to eat.

90/365- Boiled peanuts. Don't knock it til you try it! I would rather have the fresh ones, but the canned ones will have to do until I go to Georgia.

89/365 I painted my nails today. I was about to
whine about how old looking and dark the chemo made my hands, then I remembered that I have two hands that work and help me to get my income....no complaints here.
Grandma is so fierce.
Just checking in...still praying for you!
You not only take great photos of yourself, you take a great photo!
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