I feel brand new. The surgery is behind me and I have been at home recovering. The heart defect was successfully corrected and the tumor was removed with CLEAN MARGINS. This will most likely mean that I do not need radiation. I will not know for sure until I see my oncologist in 2 weeks. I feel pretty good. The pain is a lot less than what I was expecting. Because the sternum (chest bone) was cut I have to follow sternal precautions for 4 more weeks-no lifting anything over 5 pounds, no driving, no repetitive arm movements-basically I have to chill out for another month. My 2 week house arrest is up tomorrow (I had to stay at home for 2 weeks post op to avoid infection) so at least I can leave the house now.

Aug 11- Bye sister. She left to go back to Wisconsin. I am all alone again : (

Aug 10- Camille (sister) baked dark chocolate, white chocolate and coconut cookies. They were

Aug 9- Had a few visitors at the house and I watched movies with their kids all day.

Aug 8- Some of the cards I received...thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

Aug 7-A cute little tree one of my dad's co-workers gave me.

Aug 6- Sister came home bearing the gift of Sprinkles.

Aug 5-This is in the early hours of the morning. I had to take a trip to the MD Anderson ER because I was dizzy with a temp. Some fluids and antibiotics made me all better.

August 4-(pic from spring 09) Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

Aug 3- The pillow I sleep with after chest surgeries. It is too uncomfortable to lay flat so I sleep sitting up.

Aug 2- The incision. The
derma bond makes it look wider than what it really is. It is one of the nicest incision I have ever seen, it so thin. I am very pleased.

Aug 1- I was doing well so I was released from the hospital earlier than planned. My neighbors met me with balloons and warm muffins.

July 31- The chest tubes used to drain fluid from my chest after surgery. They were about to pull them out. I was
pre medicated with morphine before they did this.

July 30-The drains attached to my chest tubes.

July 29-My platelets were too low for surgery so I was admitted to the ICU the morning of to get platelets before the operation.

July 28-The pretty flower art in the lobby of the hotel I stayed in the night before surgery.
That incision and those drains look brutal ... you are a brave girl.
You're never alone. I love you :)
Hi, Bethany, followed you over here from Daria's blog. Sounds as if you are dealing with your cancer with great strength and spirit. And to have heart surgery on top of it! Whoa!!! Bless you.
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