My doctor has decided to take a more aggressive approach against those spots in my lungs. He wants me to go for an assessment for RFA-radiofrequency ablation. Basically a needle like probe is put into the lung and the spot is burned. It doesn't sound fun and I think I'm officially stalling now in getting it done. Maybe in a few weeks. Maybe.
Is everyone pregnant? I think so. My friends cat even just had kittens. It's not that I want a baby right now, it's the thought of possibly never being able to have one that gets to me. Facebook is hard to look at these days. every time I get on someone is pregnant, someone is in labor, someone just had a baby.... It's not that I'm jealous or want to take this joy away from anyone, it's not even close to that. I just hope to have that same happiness too one day.
This time last year I felt like everyone was getting married, and now a year later I'm happy and dating a great guy. No wedding bells anytime soon, but I get the lesson.... things will, if they are supposed to, work themselves out.
you are still in my thoughts...and prayers! go out and have an amazing summer!
hhaha chiwawusss!!!
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