I really need to blog more. No blogging and very little scrapbooking is making me have to remember to much. Will do better.
Busy day at work added on to not so much happy new from my oncoligist makes for a cranky girl.
The spot we were watching before is still there and hasn't grown-yay BUT there is a new thing that popped up. A new spot. It's very small so we will just wait six weeks for a rescan and then see what it does. Hopefully it will just sit there, but if it doesn't chemo/surgery/radiation are all options. I just hope I can still work, I really do enjoy my job.
It's crazy working and being treated at the same facility. Fellows (new doctors training in a certain specialty) train in several centers at Anderson. I have worked with a few. One that I have worked with before just happed to be in MY treatment center following MY doctor today. Nice. I don't want what I'm going through to be a secret but I'm not sure I want someone I might work with to know every juicy detail. It's cool though, no biggie. I hope he learned something from my case and can use it to benefit others he will help.
I have had a really great past few months. I'm so happy and physically I feel great. I know it's not the best I've ever felt but it sure does feel like. Maybe because I appreciate it now. I know what it's like to really feel like crap.
Sleep is the onl thing that can cure what I'm feeling now.... a mix of shock/anger/sadness/disgust. Oh and I'm sure this little guy could cure it. I need to get custody back from my parents.

Keeping you in thought and prayer my dear and always wishing for the best for you.
We need to catch up soon :).
hello - just found your blog. my brother was just diagnosed with rhabdo about two weeks ago - he's 45, another adult that has this...
best of luck in your fight.
Bethany, you have such a positive outlook on life. You are such an inspiration to me. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you often.
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