Friday, December 19, 2008


Tonight, a few thing I am thankful for.....

Being done with chemo round 2!!! It was hard, but I did it. 5 days of chemo is long...sooo long, I'm so glad I'm done for 2 weeks. I need the time to not only physically repair but most importantly to mentally repair.

Kim. My dearest. She flew down again from Dallas to help take care of me during chemo. She did a great job of getting to chemo safely (she had to drive my big, scary SUV which she is not used to), she made sure I woke up before the predetermined time of "noon" set by my father, she made sure I ate even when I didn't really feel like it, and she helped entertain me during the long late night infusions. She tried her best to entertain me back at the house with a little musical which shall remain nameless. I'm sure that one day when I am not hungover from chemo I might possibly enjoy all the shrill singing and dancing ....but that day it was a little too much and I had to excuse myself for a nap.

My parents. I have wonderful parents. They both felt a little under the weather at the beginning on the week, and they both got on antibiotics just in case to keep me safe because my immune system is weaker from the chemo.

Mom. My mom has been great about finding things for me to eat. Whatever I can think up she will get. Chicken nuggets and "not too fancy" mashed potatoes, grits and turkey bacon for dinner. Anything. If I want it and think it will stay down she will do her best to get it.

Dad. While at MD Anderson waiting for treatment (10pm at night) I was afraid that I had missed my window of opportunity to get my nausea pill prescription filled because all of the pharmacies were closed by this time. This would leave me only a few pills until I came back. Well, Dad took the bottle and set off saying he would be back. I knew what that meant. He wasn't going to come back without those pills. Kim and I joked about the poor person who was about to get a lashing for telling my father the pharmacies were closed. Well about 30 minutes later he returned...with the pills. He had found an emergency pharmacy. The most touching part was when I realized that he paid $147 for 7 pills. Yep, my insurance said I couldn't have anymore until the 21st. My dad and the pharmacist figured out how many I would need until then and he bought them for me. I so blessed to have a dad that cares this much about my comfort.

Feeling better. Still feel a little chemo gross (sore mouth, tired, achy, nausea...just yucky) but not nearly as bad as I did 2 days ago. I'm up, moving around, not lying lifeless in the "nap" chair holding the chihuahua hostage (he likes it, he really does)

Sir Toby-some call him the Devil, I call him Perfect

Yay! Sister is coming tomorrow. Well, If Wisconsin weather decides to stop cutting up. But I think it will so YAY I'll see Camille tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly Sawyer said...

I am thankful for you too. Know you are an inspiration.