Friday, September 18, 2009

catching up on pics

Sept 13- I had my port removed!!!! I still have the CVC line. The doctor said I can have it out in a month if I am doing well with the oral chemo.
Sept 12- I had this cute munchkin for a whole night. She looks peaceful, but this is because she exhausted herself screaming. Best. Birth control. Ever.

Sept 11- Almost better than zofran (nausea med), it really helps the nausea

Sept 10- The Holga. My new toy.

Sept 9- My chemo in the pill form. I keep it in the fridge.

Sept 8-My new favorite snack. I am stressed and sad and eating these Canollis make me feel better.

Sept 7- The pretty bridge over the ship channel. I was driving back from Baytown where Allison's mom was at an in patient hospice.

Sept 6- Candace and I after church.

Sept 5- Sunset

Sept 4- I have been painting a lot. I am not a painter, it's just fun and therapeutic.

Sept 3- Enjoying breakfast outside.

Sept 2-Going to visit Allison's mom and bringing her a drink from Starbucks.

Sept 1- My yummy omelet that I cooked all by myself. First thing I have cooked in quite a while.

Aug 31- Michaels, one of favorite stores. I'm loving all of the fall items.

Aug 30- I can finally drive, only up to 40mph and no freeways but I can still get around.

1 comment:

Obsessedwithlife said...

I want to see your paintings!!

Sorry about your loss :(