Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Though my holiday looked completely different from what I had planned I'm still happy to report that we all had a great Christmas. I decided on Christmas eve that I was going to choose Joy. Just that simple. I was going to look around, see all the awesome in my life and be happy. And you know what friends, really wasn't hard at all! I have so much to be thankful for. My parents made a delicious dinner including fried turkey. I loaded up on food, napped then all of us, my family and in laws went to see a movie. It was really a pretty fun day we all had yesterday. And I got some reallly great presents, my favorite being a juicing book from sister I plan to read during my recovery. Thanks Camille!

I am up early trying to get prepped for surgery tomorrow. Reading some hospital info, getting a bag packed. In a few hours my honey will be taking me to get my hair done from my favorite stylists who has been so gracious to come in on her off day to make me pretty. Then we will be having a pre surgery date night and staying closer into town to make it easier to be up bright and early for surgery.

I'm so ready to get this thing out of my head tomorrow!!

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