Thursday, November 20, 2008

the plan

My doctor, my parents and I had a detailed conversation this evening about the treatment plan. Chemo first for two rounds. One round will be 5 days of chemo, 2 weeks off. This will start Monday. I should be off the week of Christmas : ) I will get my central line put in tomorrow morning. I am strongly considering being pro active and donating my hair to locks of love before it starts to fall out. I just need to see if it's long enough. No need to waste it. It's going to go. It could at least go somewhere useful and not into my "save my hair" freezer bag I had last time. I will post pictures soon.


SLOWPOKE said...

Stay strong Ms. Rogers! I will be praying for you.


barrett family said...

Hey Bethany!! I miss your gorgeous face:) I will be praying for you.