Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm back

I am back. This has been a very hard week. I am tired. Not just physically but more emotionally now. I feel like a hamster on wheel. It will get better....

My week started like a typical week after chemo does, crappy. I was dealing pretty well and then as expected, my blood counts started to drop from the chemo. They dropped faster and a little lower than I had expected. So, I ended up needing a another blood transusion on Thursday. I normally feel brand new after a blood transfusion so I was ready to get it going. Well to make a long story short, I started to get a fever during the blood transfusion. Not good. It was either a reaction to the blood or the start of an infection. Im still not sure which one. I was unable to get the rest of the blood transfusion because I had to do several things to check for/treat an infection. It made for a very late night at the hospital (3am). I went home, had 1.5 hours sleep, woke back up and went back for a CAT scan (results Wednesday). Right before I was about to run home and get in my bed, I found out my counts had gone down again. I stayed and got another blood transfusion, this time the full amount. I am now on a super fun thing called a neutropenic pathway which involves me getting daily labs, going to MDA until Monday, and then getting called by a nurse daily for the rest of the week. I know I can't help it but I'm going to try my hardest not to have a another temp while on chemo. Positive thinking!

1 comment:

Obsessedwithlife said...

Ugh...I remember those types of days/weeks. Hang in there!