Saturday, March 7, 2009

I would have rather been on the beach...

I started feeling chilled yesterday evening and couldn't get warm.

I knew what this meant and being the good cancer patient and nurse I am I ignored it for 2 hours. Wishfully hoping it would go away. It didn't. Got out my thermometer and what do you know? A temp. Since my white blood cell count was so low, I had to go to the emergency room at MD Anderson. I stalled some more...

My mom came with me. We were there from 9pm to noon today. And I was a priority patient moved to the top of the list because my counts were low. I was still there for 15 hours.

I got IV antibiotics and a blood transfusion.

I had an allergic reaction to something after the first unit of blood. I was fine, talking on the phone, waiting for mom to bring me breakfast when I started itching. Severely. All over. I started having trouble swallowing and noticed welts popping up everywhere. Got off the phone. Very scared. Tried to get to the door fast, and like the smooth operator I am, forgot I was connected to an IV pole which was plugged in to the wall, was jerked back and knocked some stuff over. The tech heard me and came in, yelled for the nurse, who yelled for the doctor. They were awesome, moved fast and got me some benadryl and cortisone. A little nausea medicine too. All the excitement made me a little sick to my stomach. I was better in about 30 minutes.

I have a possible abscess in a most terrible place. It hurts, it's keeping me up at night, and I want it to go away. I'm glad I can't see it.

And yes I am still planning on going on my trip this weekend. I need it. Desperately.

1 comment:

Obsessedwithlife said...

oh sorry :(. I can't wait to see you though!! Been where you have...yuck, yuck, yuck. Hang in there. Love ya!